The code to living on this Earth in full embodiment is not through the brilliant path of your mind but rather the experience of being in your resilient body.
You are here as a highly evolved Soul who's come to fulfill a purpose.
As Starseeds, the Ascension journey we move through can be a challenging and lonely experience.
Now more than ever, we need connection and like - minded community who gets you, sees you and understands you on a deeper level.
The Starseed Ascension Series was built for Starseeds who want to be emerged in Community.
This journey GETS to be filled with fun, joy, LOVE, acceptance, magic, manifestations, big purpose, and being all of who you truly are!
Many Starseeds right now are having a difficult time.
It's been increasingly challenging to see the good in the world, to remember their mission and to be hopeful for a better future for all.
Starseeds have felt disconnected from their body, feeling pain and tension. They have felt disconnected from others, feeling misunderstood as if they are living alone on this planet.
Quite simply, many have considered leaving, abandoning their big purpose all together. They know they are brilliant, but it just feels too hard sometimes.
Yet, there is something keeping you here
A higher calling, a higher - frequency.
A glimpse of ease and a light radiating their own brilliance.
From time to time they find those who get them, and it feels like bliss.

Learn more about the benevolent ETs here to assist our ascension
Tap into higher frequencies to channel ETs AND to integrate the new light-codes into the body
Reconnect with the star family to receive guidance and inspiration, and to embody HOME within so you can activate into your mission
All around feel inspired and excited to create magic in your life THROUGH your own power and use your own physical vessel as an intuitive guide​
As Starseeds, we are being led to our highest-frequency.
Series Event Calendar
Thursday, 9/28 5pm PST
An Interview with Margie Kay
Margie Kay, UFO Researcher, Author Owner and CEO KUNX Network
Margie is Owner and CEO of The KUNX Network, which delivers a total of 32 quality paranormal programs (via radio or video streaming platforms) to a global audience hungry for credible news about the mysterious world around us. Whether a viewer's interests lie in Paranormal News, UFOs, Cryptids, Ghosts, Hidden Histories Alternative Research, Crop Circles, Breakthrough Technologies, Near Death Experiences, Psychic Abilities or any other wildly unnatural phenomena, KUNX has you covered. It's remarkable lineup includes: Questions with LA; Meanwhile, Here on Earth; Monsters Among Us; and Fate Magazine Radio. Margie is the author of 15 books including The Kansas City UFO Flaps; The Fast Movers: Evidence of High-Speed UFOs/UAPs; Haunted Independence Missouri; Gateway to the Dead: A Ghost Hunter’s Field Guide; The Remote Viewing Workbook; Winged Aliens; The Masters Dowser’s Chart Book; A Sonoma County Phenomenon; 50th Anniversary of the SE Missouri Ozarks UFO Flap, and more.
She has hosted radio shows since 2003 and has interviewed dozens of paranormal and UFO researchers and authors including Kathleen Marden, Stanton Friedman, Edwin Mitchell, Craig Campobasso, and many more. Margie’s Un-X News Radio/Podcast on her YouTube Channel is broadcast weekly. She has appeared on numerous radio shows including Coast to Coast AM with Cheryll Jones and George Noory, Heidi Hollis, Jimmy Church, Jeff Rense, Joe Montaldo, and many others.
Thursday, 8/24 5pm PST
An Interview with Ella Lebain
Ella Lebain, Author
A renowned Biblical Scholar, ET Experiencer, and longtime UFO Researcher, Ella LeBain, a member of MUFON/Colorado and MUFON/National, is also the author of a highly popular, original, six-book, non-fiction series entitled: "Who's Who in The Cosmic Zoo? A Guide to ETs, Aliens, Exoplanets & Space Controversies.” Ella’s book series reveals in great detail the origins of - the history behind - and the upcoming disclosure of - Alien Life and its historic effects on Mankind’s Culture and World Religions.
Thursday, 4/13 5pm PST
Welcome Introductions/Ascension Updates and Starseed Origins
Jamie Vos Love, ET Experiencer and Communicator
​We will explore various Star Systems (Mantis, Arcturians, Pleiadians, Orions, Lyrans, etc.), common traits of Starseed lineages, ET technologies and a review of Galactic histories. Which ones resonate with you? Perhaps many. Perhaps all. We will journey to some of the star systems to see what downloads, activations, upgrades or messages may be present for you or the collective.We will welcome Ascension updates, and a live trans channeling of the Pleiadian Council who will have much to share to help support us. We will hear from many Star Elders over the course of this container who wish to speak on behalf of other Councils and the Galactic Federation assisting us on our journey.
Thursday, 4/20 5pm PST
Connecting with Star Families and Protecting yourself from Lower Frequency Entities
Lyra Rae,Spiritual Therapist
Now that you have an idea of the different Starseed types and who you resonate with, Lyra will help you connect to your Star Families and help ease any fear around any negative energies that you may have brought into your field (psychic attacks for example or feelings of harmful energies in your field). She will help with discernment and methods of protection while tuning into the frequency of our benevolent Star Families and Allies.
Thursday, 4/27 5pm PST
Interdimensional Sound Healing
Followed by a Remote Viewing Experience
Rachelle Belleci, Interdimensional Frequency Sound Healer
Rachelle Belleci is an inter-dimensional frequency sound healer using tuning forks and astrological maps to clear, retune and realign your energetic body templates and meridian lines to increase your personal vibration.Your personal vibration is the frequency of energy you hold each moment in your body, emotions and mind, It is the most important tool for creating and living your best life. If your energy frequency is high, fast and clear, life unfolds effortlessly and in alignment with your destiny, while a lower, slower more distorted frequency bites a life of snags and disappointments.
In this Starseed session, Rachelle will focus on clearing our fields and binging us back to center so that we may tap into our innate higher consciousness and higher self to prepare us for remote viewing. We will then remote view to places on and off Earth using our gifts and connection to Star allies guiding us where the most work is needed. We will identify locations of Star Ships "hidden in plain sight" and travel to high frequency locations, perhaps even locate wormholes. In this experience, we may also work on the Earth grid, adjust frequencies to support planetary ascension, travel through the cosmos, connect with Star Families, planets and even parallels where a part of our multidimensional self exists across many planes of existence simultaneously. Buckle up and expect time to get funky!
Thursday, 5/24 5pm PST
The Stargate Experience
Terri Sena, Stargate Facilitator and Channel for Alcazar
The Stargate experience will introduce you to a totally new way of evolving your own consciousness. It is one of the leading-edge devices that can assist in rapid expansion of human consciousness. The energies can create past life remembering and re-activvation of psychic gifts. It can enable participants to access wisdom from other dimensional realities, and to actually feel and/or see benevolent high energy beings, ascended masters, and various Star Families. All these experiences come by raising the vibrational frequency, a process that reactivates dormant, multidimensional DNA. The DNA holds the key to who you are, have been and how your physical structure works - your part and purpose and ability to communicate with sprit spirit.
Thursday, 5/11 5pm PST
A Discussion with After They Came Author Dan Harrary
Dan Harrary, Stargate Facilitator and Channel for Alcazar
The Veteran Hollywood Publicist and Author Dan Harary will discuss his new science-fiction
book in which he presents Benevolent Aliens who arrive on Earth in 2033 to save a drowning
man's life, and, concurrently, wild up solving all of mankind's problems in the process. Dan is a three-time UFO Experiencer, a longtime UFO Researcher, and a member of MUFON/Los Angeles, and recently presented his book at AlienCon and UFOCon. His late father was an electronics engineer with the U.S. Army for 45 years, and based on a 1970 UFO sighting they had together, Dan believes his dad may have known about reverse-engineered UFO technologies.
Thursday, 10/5 5pm PST
Making Contact
Alan Seinfeld, Author
Making Contact presents multiple perspectives on a fact that can no longer be denied: UFOs and their occupants are visiting our planet. The government's acknowledgment still leaves us with unanswered questions as to who, what, and why. ​Founder of NewRealities.com Alan Seinfeld curates and frames this groundbreaking work with his thirty years of research and experience. George Noory, host of Coast to Coast AM, kicks off the volume with veteran conclusion that humanity must wake up to the new realities of extraterrestrial existence. Making Contact is the most comprehensive clarification to date about intent and intelligence behind this phenomena. It is essential in preparing to embrace the most the exalted movement in human history - contacting the cosmic others. Includes input and investigative research from Linda Moulton Howe, Whitley Strieber, Nick Pope, Darryl Anna, Caroline Cory and more.
Thursday, 10/12 5pm PST
The Hybrid Future of Humanity and the Three Waves of Souls
Author and UFO Researcher, Brian Ruhe
Brian will talk about the evidence for a long term hybridization program which aims to transform humanity into more spiritually orientated, telepathic hybrids with quantum dimensional consciousness. This is being done with three waves of souls – innovators & enlighteners, pioneers & communicators, and the implementers.
Thursday, 10/19 5pm PST
Cosmic Readings w/ Jamie Vos Love
Each one of you will receive a personal reading, and then we will close with a high vibrational frequency attunement and final messages from our Star Councils.

Beginning April 6
The ascension path was created with EXTRAORDINARY teachers, and it will partly be channeled as we go (because in energy we trust).
They will carry the keys and be instrumental in your success as a joyful being on Earth at this time.
We would be delighted to guide you on this journey and your path.
You don't have to do this alone and it CAN be fun.
This Series includes Expert Special Guest Guides, Star Family Community Access, Connection, Expansion, and so much more.