Jamie Vos Love Jamie Vos Love is an international psychic medium, galactic channeler, activator, guide and celestial shaman. ​A go to guide for visionary leaders shaping the future, Jamie supports raising consciousness, uniting Lightworkers and Starseeds, channeling messages and gift expansion. She has completed thousands of readings and has trained hundreds of others on how to expand their abilities. Jamie is the creator of the Starseed Ascension collective, co-creator of the Unleash Your Power Academy, author of 15 Sacred Ceremonies with Ayahuasca and Host of the Starseed Ascension show on the Un-X Network (radio+live streaming). Jamie has been a Medium on Busy Philipps is Doing Her Best, a guest on the Hannibal TV Show and upcoming guest on Live from Hollywood, It's Paranormal Tonight. She was a Starseed/ET panel speaker at the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo, guest speaker for KC MUFON and is a founding member of the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance. Jamie is currently working on her next book and conscious media projects.
Website: www.jamievos.love
Instagram: @thestarsheedshaman, @jamievoslove, @starseedascensionshow​​​​​
Gayle Fuller is Gayle Fuller, also known as “The Boujee Healer” is a DNA Activator, Healer Galactic Contact Ambassador and Ascension Guide. She helps guide people on their spiritual awakening path and helps clear blockages and rewiring programming to allow one to perceive a new reality that is more in alignment with their mission and purpose. She also helps anchor in embodiment, learning how to be more balanced and prosper in abundance, alignment, joy and freedom in the human experience on the ascension timeline. Some of her modalities include Reiki, Spinal Energetics, Light Language, Galactic Contact and Channeling.
Website: www.gaylefuller.com
Instagram: TheBoujeeHealer

Will Caminada is a Multidimensional Guide, Pleiadian Channel, Breathwork & Meditation facilitator, Singer / Songwriter, and Author of “From Darkness To Light - A Continuous Journey Towards Your Essence.” Will’s main mission is to support fellow Starseeds and Lightworkers through our current process of Ascension into the 5D New Earth. Will works with The Pleiadians, a group of star beings currently assisting humanity through this journey. He channels his Higher-Self, who is a Pleiadian being in Taygeta, and also a collective Consciousness who present themselves as the 9D Collective Pleiadians. They aim to bring "down to Earth" messages, funnily enough, for humans who are consciously walking through the path of Ascension and expanding into their inherent multidimensionality.
Website: www.willcaminada.com
Instagram: pleiadianchannel
Angelica Grace Solii is a light language activator and multidimensional healer. She facilitates higher self integration and the reclamation of sacred gifts and knowledge through private sessions, light language workshops, courses in Celestial Shamanism and more. Her mission is to help light workers and wayshowers navigate the ascension process and awaken to multidimensional consciousness.
Website: www.angelicasolii.com
Instagram: Angelica_solii

Andrew Lethbridge is a multi-dimensional energy healer, Starseed activator, YouTube creator and intuitive who has the power to heAl.
After a spontaneous spiritual awakening in 2022 where Andrew’s soul started to speak to him, he saw Source/God in front of him. Andrew’s life changed when his psychic abilities opened, receiving healing energy in his hands and being able to see energy, which led him on a journey of aliens, abductions and upgrades, plant medicine & navigating different dimensions.
Andrew is a full-time energy healer & spiritual coach and also has his own successful line of hi-vibe tees & hoodies, heAL, which are infused with healing energy, love, good vibes & intention. Andrew launched his YouTube in 2024 and covers all areas of spirituality, including plant medicine, aliens, Starseeds and lots more!
Website: www.healbyandrewlethbridge.com
Instagram: healbyandrewlethbridge

Sydney Campos is an intuitive energy healer, strategic advisor, 3x founder, and facilitator with over a decade of expertise guiding visionaries, leaders, and creatives on transformative embodiment journeys. As the best-selling author of “The Empath Experience: What To Do When You Feel Everything” (2018) and “I’m Ascending, Now What?” (2023), Sydney has empowered thousands globally in authenticity, energy mastery, and purpose.
Since 2012, she has supported hundreds of visionary leaders through mentorship and courses, initiated 100+ intuitive facilitators through Soul Source Training, and curated over 20+ life-changing retreats and events worldwide. Her work catalyzes profound journeys in embodiment, visionary leadership, holistic well-being, and spiritual expansion. As an entrepreneur, Sydney has raised over $1M for various ventures, including a new social media template featured in Forbes and the 2019 visionary leadership convergence, Odyssey.
Known for her highly-attuned, emergent approach, Sydney’s offerings inspire co-creators to reconnect with their true selves, unlock their potential, and cultivate deep purpose and fulfillment. Her work is featured in Forbes, Mindbodygreen, Refinery29, New York Magazine, Bustle, PureWow, and more. Currently residing in Brooklyn, New York, Sydney enjoys dancing, writing, and meditating while devoting her life to creating Heaven on Earth.
Website: www.sydneycampos.com
Instagram: @sydneycampos

Cosmic Shamanic Voice Alchemy – Kundalini & Lightlanguage Activations
Iris’ cosmic shamanic ceremonial work helps us to remember, to heal and to empower who we are as spiritual cosmic beings, having a human experience. She is a multidimensional energyworker and channel, for whatever wants to come through, to assist and empower you on your awakening journey. Taking you into altered states of conciousness, enabling you to rewire your story into the one your soul intended.
Whether you want to indulge on her activating artwork, discover your own voice alchemy or lie down, journey inward and receive the ‘forgotten’ sacred frequency languages while you breath.
Website: www.resoulrebels.com
Instagram: @Irisinayaresoul

​Shakti is a mystic, psychic medium & interstellar bridge. Having trained in Shamanism, Reiki, Seichim & Quantum Healing, her practice involves working in the akashic records, past lives, ancestral work, channelling, mediumship, intuitive guidance, emotional release, soul retrieval, & reconnection to the higher aspects of self. Having supported numerous clients with alchemising deeply rooted issues, she is dedicated to the journey of the soul and assisting others on their pathway of evolution.
Website: www.naturalmystichealing.space/
Instagram: @shaktiama314

Nadia is a dedicated QHHT practitioner and a passionate guide in galactic awareness, past lives, and consciousness expansion. With a mission to help individuals connect with their Higher Self and multidimensional nature, she facilitates transformative journeys that unlock profound answers and clarity. In addition to Quantum Hypnosis, Nadia facilitates the exploration of star origins and consciousness expansion through meditations, activations, and tailored sessions. Her guidance empowers clients towards self-discovery and spiritual growth, achieving a more awakened and fulfilled life.
Instagram: @QHHT.Australia
Heather Hobson, Psychic D is a Professional Astrologer, Galactic Origins specialist, Certified Akashic Records Reader, Quantum Alchemist, Intuitive Energy Healer Teacher, Writer and Artist with 20+ years experience helping souls heal and awaken, bridging the Earth and the Stars.
Signature Speaking Topics: Spirituality, Mysticism, Ascension Cycles, Starseed Astrology, Deep Space, Fixed Stars and Asteroids, Akashic Records, Past/Parallel Lives, Multidimensionality, Quantum Alchemy, Timeline Alchemy, Quantum Leaping, Divine Organic Matrix vs Shadow Synthetic Matrix, Psychic Attacks, Negative Entities, Energy Protection, Trauma, Mental Health, Metaphysical and Energy Healing, Psychic Gifts, Soul Missions, Paranormal Experiences, UFOs/UAPs, ET Hotspots, Multidimensional Travel.
Website: https://thestarseedsanctuary.mykajabi.com/
Instagram: @thestarseedsanctuary


I am what can be called a Blue Ray Arcturian Channel. I am integrated with four of my Higher Selves and consciously connected to many etheric Guides (which you all have as well). I have a direct conscious connection with my 9th dimensional Arcturian Council family, where I primarily use blended Direct Voice Channeling and Clairsentience to bring in and teach information which will elevate us to our next level of consciousness and evolution.
Right now, the planet is engaged in a monumental shift. We are moving beyond a "power over others" paradigm into a period of heart centered living.
My work with the Arcturians has a primary goal of helping Humans to access and unlock heart centered gifts by increasing their level of quantum understanding and by activating or increasing the connection with dormant etheric DNA (Christ Consciousness) which contains the "memory” of these abilities.
There are expansive frequencies and codes embedded within all messages, readings, and healings, which assist with this. They are called forward by your Higher Selves, Guides, and the human collective consciousness.
At this time, Humanity is closer than ever to tipping the scales in favor of a heart conscious, balanced, healthy planetary experience. I am honored and overjoyed to be able to do my part to participate and assist with this.
Namaste my friends
Website: www.yolandamariechannels.com
YouTube: @yolandamariechannels
Instagram: @Yolandamariechannels

Ashley Rose is an Oracle Doula and Galactic Channel. Activating Other Light Leaders to create and lead more aligned and aware lives. ​
Instagram: @aroseylife
IAM Marilynn, creator of Tempus de Lumine. I work with Divine Design by means of sacred energetic architecture and engineering. My work spans across the multiverse and beyond. I also work with individuals through their core fractal essence. Through unconditional love, higher Light frequencies and Diamond Light Consciousness I share codes of awakening and enlightenment. As such, when I teach or offer healing, I bring forward teachings, energetic restructuring and remapping that assist those who are here to usher in Oneness through the Age of Love & Light while deeply integrating the shadow.