Connect with benevolent Galactics here to assist our ascension
Activate Light Language
Christ Consciousness Codes
Raise consciousness of the planet
Tap into higher frequencies to channel AND to integrate light-codes into the body
Reconnect with star family to receive guidance and inspiration, and to embody HOME within so you can activate into your mission
All around feel inspired and excited to create magic in your life THROUGH your own power and use your own physical vessel as an intuitive guide​
Rise Together
Series Event Calendar
Tuesday, October 1, 11AM PST
Resoul Session
Iris Inaya, Light Language and Kundalini
​Join me on a shamanic ceremonial session, using the most empowering tools I know to reconnect with our heart, soul and life force energy. Immerse yourself in this delicious and trance-formative mix of Kundalini Activating Energy, a live channeled Lightlanguage Soundjourney and your own breathwork. Let your higherwisdom and subconcious do the rest! Be on a liberating, soothing, soulconnecting journey and remember the bigger truth of who you are. As you align yourself with your true joy, purpose and pleasure.
Tuesday, October 1, 1PM PST
Embody Your Power, Remember Who You Are
Sydney Campos, Heaven on Earth Architect
Experience a whole system harmonization designed to connect you to your highest self and ground in deep presence. Through Quantum Akashic Healing and Soul Sourcing, you'll learn to attune to your inner wisdom, remember your center, and expand your intuitive capacity. In these transformative times, it's essential to cut through the noise, reconnect with the earth, and drop into your heart. This session will help you embody your power, unlock your intuitive gifts, and align with your soul's purpose. Step into your full potential and let your soul lead the way.
Tuesday, October 1, 3PM PST
A Diamond Light Activation with an Akashic Journey to Sacred Lands and Worlds. What will you remember?
Jamie Vos Love, Galactic Channel and Diamond Light Activator, Akashic Guide
An activation is a transmission of light encoded information that helps awaken dormant aspects within our DNA, further unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos. When groups of highly conscious beings come together in a group activation, we take quantum leaps in our evolution. With the support of our galactic families and Pleiadian wisdom, we will journey to sacred lands and worlds in the Akashic field to activate the next set of codes of cosmic consciousness within our DNA library. What page in the book of our ancestral esoteric wisdom will be discovered? Journey. Activate. Translate and Share our Codes. We all have a piece of the puzzle. Let's put them together.
Wednesday, October 2, 12PM PST
Light Language Activation from the Sacred Lands of Ireland
Shakti Ama, Natural Healing Mystic
Ancient codes transmitted from the Earth, interplanetary energies, stargates, elemental kingdoms & fae folk. This is a multidimensional transmission: a divine remembrance & awakening to the parts of ourselves which lay forgotten & latent. Those who feel connected to Atlantis & other temple cultures may feel drawn to this event. Any channelled messages will be passed on from spirit guides & the natural world(s) who may wish to impart wisdom & be a bridge for healing & alchemy.
Wednesday, October 2, 2PM PST
Full Clearing and Light Language Activation
Gayle Fuller, Spiritual Mentor, Activator, Galactic Contact
This is a full energetic clearing meditation infused with energy work including Spinal Energetics to unblock anything that is creating resistance and dissolve old programs, patterns and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from expansion. This is also an activation of light language that will stimulate your inner technology and spiritual abilities and activate the memories and coding within your DNA! ​
Wednesday, October 2, 4PM PST
Journey to Meet your Star Family and Galactic Guide
Nadia Gledhill, QHHT Practitioner
This activation deepens your awareness by journeying through quantum and multidimensional realms to connect with your galactic star family. You’ll be guided to open your heart energy center, the connection to your star family, to explore your cosmic origins and meet your galactic guide, who will share a message with you about your mission here on your Earthly incarnation.
Wednesday, October 2, 6PM PST
Live Transmission with Activation
Ashley Rose, Oracle Doula and Galactic Channel
Experience a live transmission on being in purpose on purpose which will serve as an activation. A hybrid Experience will be delivered by human spirit box Ashley Rose with Channeled Guest StarBurst StarBorn.
Thursday, October 3, 11AM PST
Multidimensional Breathwork and Activation to Connect with the Pleiadians
Will Caminada, Multidimensional Guide and Pleiadian Channel
In this 60-minute session Will is going to guide you through a Breathwork practice that can be very healing and it will clear out a lot of stagnant energy from both your physical and energy bodies. After that, you will be in a relaxed state and in deeper connection with your heart and your soul. He will connect with his guides, The 9D Collective Pleiadians, and they will channel a guided journey that's aimed for you to connect with your star family and ancestors, and receive the messages and the light codes that are meant for you currently.
Even if you are not familiar with the Pleiadians, you will feel their loving energy and the healing and activation will take place in ways you may not be able to rationalize straight away. Integration is a big part of this work too, and you will be feeling the energy shifting even after a few days post practice. It is recommended that you journal after the session, and if you need to go about your day, it is highly suggested that you do some grounding (simply by putting your feet on the floor, grass, earth) and eat foods from the earth.
A few things to prepare for this session:​
stay in a place where you won't be disturbed
you will be laying down on your bed or a mat
have pen and paper for journaling (for post session)
have a blanket and a pillow
have an eye mask or something to cover your eyes
wear comfortable clothes
avoid eating too much before the session
crystals, sage, palo santo, essential oils (optional)
headphones highly suggested
Thursday, October 3, 1PM PST
Channeled Lessons and Activations from the Arcturians with Q&A
Yolanda Marie, Blue Ray Arcturian Channel
Here is what we, with the help of the Arcturians, will cover…
Mastery and Understanding of Karmic Lessons (Code Activation here)
New Beginnings in Wisdom, Moving to the next layer of expanded consciousness (Code Activation here)
Learn to navigate and create your Reality with a heightened “Joy Factor” (Activation to recalibrate your ability to pull in more of what you want and need)
Thursday, October 3, 3PM PST
Oneness and AstroPhysics
Marilynn Prospere, Creator of Tempus de Lumine
Through inner journey work and meditation, I have been working on the architecture and design of a new universe. My work has led me to a deeper understanding of my own inner engineering and that of all of us as fractals of pure consciousness. During our time together, we will discuss my current work, the great work before us that is the Sacred Marriage of not only our feminine and masculine but also our inner and outer worlds, etc. and where this takes us as a collective on a universal scale. You can also expect an activation or two that will lead to an expansion within the heart and that of higher and new perspectives. I welcome you to come and explore this gateway of inner transformation with me.
Thursday, October 3, 5PM PST
Light Language Activation Workshop
Angelica Solii, Light Language Activator and Multidimensional Healer
Immerse yourself in the transformative language of light in our group light language activation workshop. We’ll explore what light language is and its powerful role in personal and planetary healing. Through meditation, movement, art, and sound, you'll experience and express both spoken and written light language. No previous experience is needed—just an open heart. Feel free to bring a drum, rattles, or other noisemakers if you like.
Friday, October 4, 12PM PST
Rainbow Flames Starseed Activation
Heather Hobson PsyD, Founder and CEO of the Starseed Sactuary
In the beginning, there was the black womb, from which a great light emerged.
This glittering white-gold-platinum light of Source, wanted to know more about itself, and wished to discover its various aspects and capabilities. From there, this great light of Source fractured itself, like a sun’s rays fractal through a crystal, and became 12 different rays.
These rainbow rays held the keys to the different qualities of Source.
Love, Compassion, Courage, Abundance, Vitality, Wisdom, Inspiration, and so on.
Your soul is a keeper of one or more of these rays. You came here in this lifetime, not only to honor the rays you have mastery in, but also to activate ALL the rainbow rays of your soul, so that you become an embodied master - as you become your highest human self. We call this ascension or incension - the inner ascension.
THE RAINBOW FLAMES are Alchemical, Elemental, Higher Octaves of The Rainbow Rays of Light that are some of the most powerful Quantum Alchemy frequencies to work with for deep cellular healing, activation of your soul’s innate gifts, deeper connections to soul family, and purification of your lightbody.
As individuals and as a group, we can regularly hold and focus in on each of the 12 Sacred Flames or the 12 Rays of Light, through our hearts and beings. As we do, we are radiating this energy out through the planet and all life, connecting with Gaia’s crystalline heart grid and all the higher dimensional light grids around the Earth, supporting and strengthening convergence of the higher dimensional planes with the already-Ascended New Earth. Working with The Rainbow Flames enhances our connection and the collective connection with the Inner Earth realms, our star families, spirit guides, and our future selves - who live in peace, constantly radiating and directing unity consciousness through the light grids to the souls dwelling on the surface of the Earth.
The 12 sacred flames also connect us further inward and outward – both to our 12 main energy portals or vortices – the chakras – and to the 12+ dimensions of consciousness before we return back to Source.
Many of us on Earth express the qualities of certain sacred flames without even realizing it. The 12 flames and the 12 rays of light are already a part of our souls – we just have to inner-stand and remember that everything we could ever need or desire is within our souls waiting to emerge. Awareness and inner-standing of the sacred flames with a conscious effort to invoke them into our lives is the key for working with these 12 cosmic mystery schools of light.
Shared with love and gratitude to all beings of Universal Love around the Earth, the Keepers of the Sacred Flames, and all beings guiding, supporting and assisting the alignment with the one true sovereign source of all.
This is a DEEP healing journey so please make space to fully receive the transmission and rest and hydrate after.
Enjoy these colorful friends of The Rainbow Rays & Rainbow Flames
Friday, October 4, 2PM PST
Cosmic Energy Healing Activation
Andrew Lethbridge, Multidimensional Healer and Starseed Activator
A 5th Dimensional cosmic healing session. Andrew works with his higher self, galactic team, and spirit guides to use a powerful combination of energies and light codes, including the white flame, the purple flame and his healing energy, to help you achieve life-changing results. This is a beautiful transformation experience of sensory energy exploration, immersion and healing.

Imagine what we can co-create together in this 3.5 day journey. Let's activate and raise consciousness together! ​
We would be delighted to humbly guide and walk with you on this journey.
You don't have to do this alone and it CAN be fun.
This Event includes Loving Guides, Star Family Community, Connection, Expansion, and so much more.