Ascension Series Event Calendar
4pm Welcome/Intros
5pm Hathor Heart Initiation w/ Andye Murphy
​From the Mystery Teachings of the divine mother Hathor, you will be lead into an initiation of your true heart. We will activate your divine shen-ka, an upgrade from the human chakra, to hold divine love for self and others through this portal of Ascension.
5pm Creating a Container with Magical Energy Flow w/ Amy Solara Mackey
Many people who are trained in western esoteric practices are taught one thing first: to cast a circle and create sacred space. Starseeds may or may not have this in common, so let’s create a system that supports not only the move into altered spaces, but also the travel up to our star homes as well as a deeply rooted connection to this planetary home, Mama Earth. We will learn how to build the container with the elements, how to move and shift within it, and how to ground the energy after.”
"Those who don't believe in Magic will never find it" - Roald Dahl
5pm Light Body Activation and Cosmic Readings w/ Ashley Rose
12pm Spring/Summer Eclipse Activation w/ Colin Bedell
​Spring/Summer Eclipse Activation: This talk will explore the power of eclipses just before the first Eclipses of 2021. We'll cover how to make meaning of this powerful transits which bring about both major completions and beginning so participants can maximize the changes coming their way on the Gemini-Sagittarius Eclipse Axis.
5pm Principles of Polarity and Vibration as Dimensional Navigation w/ Amy Solara Mackey
Dimensions can be tricky—so many people talk about going up or down, in or out, and how do we know where we are, or why we want to be on certain dimensions but not others?
As we gain awareness of ourselves, and remember our ability to move through spaces beyond the physical experience, we can begin to shift into other dimensions.
Using the principles of polarity and vibration as navigational tools helps us to find our way through all the possibilities in a much more efficient manner, and it allows us to integrate what we experience.
5pm Cosmic Heart Activation w/ Andye Murphy
​The Egyptian Mysteries teach that the heart is the cosmic portal to all celestial consciousness. The untrained heart will have difficulty navigating these realms so far from human comprehension. We'll bring in a guide for ya too, honey to ensure success beyond the Starseed Ascension program.
5pm Human Experience Tools for Navigating Ascension Energy w/ Jamie Vos Love
5pm Twin Star White Flame Activations and Galactic Light Ship Transmissions with Jamie Vos Love

Hi! I'm Jamie. I channel many beings of light, readings, past lives, activations, light codes, quantum healing and starseed shamanic energy work. I love helping you access or expand your gifts and supporting you along your journey no matter where you are on your ascension timeline.I know the starseed awakening process extremely well (the energy, the gifts, the challenges, the mystical experiences that make us question our sanity sometimes)! Yet, it's true! We just have to ask, listen and trust. Establishing a good relationship with the heart is also key to strengthening our channel. Activations and light codes are essential in this process.
I often work in the dream space outside of my sessions, or the astrals as some may call it. I help access and build new neural pathways. For me this has helped gain better focus to help make my dreams a reality in places where there was fog before.
My guides tell me that on the Earth plane I am considered a frequency adjuster, adjusting frequencies ever so slightly to help clear up the channel, to strengthen the connection between people, their guides, light beings and loved ones on the other side. The other purpose of the frequency adjustments are to nullify trigger reactions. When something triggers us, a light frequency within us dims to varying degrees. You adjust the frequency to where that trigger will no longer dim the light in the future. So it’s like taking the work we are already doing internally, and serving as a guide to help channel the new energetic frequency in other people. I serve as a vessel allowing spirit to work through me. Although I facilitate activation of these energies, you ultimately are your own healers and will begin the self healing process. I have been guided to share this information for all who may be called to this work. I love teaching everything I learn, and I love learning from many other guides, healers and teachers both on and off Earth. Always remember, you are your number one guide. Trust what is true for you.
Andye Murphy is a multidimensional priestess, alchemist, and keeper of the Akashic Records.
She leads through light acting as a living transmission of the wisdom of the divine.
An ancient soul, she is an activator of higher consciousness and deeply committed to the enlightenment of humanity. In 2008 she was reunited with the Egyptian Mystery Teachings and actively lives this tradition as the keys to humanity’s galactic awakening.
For more than a decade Andye served as Rock ‘n Roll Shaman, as mentor, healer and reader and is now committed to teaching through the Ascension.
Andye leads an online mystery school, the Luminous Mysteries, hosts the Cosmic Mama podcast, and teaches soulfully from places of light and remembrance.

Amy Solara is a Witch, Mother, and Priestess in Sacred Partnership.
She has been trained in the esoteric arts and the occult by master teachers from all over the world, including Witchcraft & Magic, Astrology, Shamanic Journeying, Tantra Yoga, and Ritual Birth. As an Astrologer, Tarot and Akashic Records reader, Yoga Teacher, Spiritual Mentor & Life Coach, she offers her one-on-one clients a holistically soulful approach that is both grounded in the earth/body and connected to the cosmos.
She created the All Souls Flight School as a mystery school for seekers that uses the container of small groups to enhance each individual’s spiritual journey.
As the Founder of the Temple of All Souls, she hopes to make magic and spirituality more accessible for all. Her greatest passion is aiding humans in the rediscovery and remembering of their Divine Self, through holding ceremonies and teaching classes and workshops about magic, meditation, mantra, and movement.
Instagram: @witchgoddessmama
Psychic Business Mentor

Colin Bedell is a queer Gemini Twin from Long Island, New York.
He's a passionate student of secular personal-growth systems, and the universal spiritual themes explored in A Course in Miracles.
Well & Good Magazine listed Colin as one of the most influential people in the wellness industry and as a 2020 Innovator.
Complementing his work with QueerCosmos, Colin's the weekly horoscope writer for Cosmopolitan.com.
His bestselling first book A Little Bit of Astrology from Sterling Publishers debuted November ‘18,
His second book Queer Cosmos: The Astrology of Queer Identities & Relationships which launched last November was ranked the #1
Astrology book for beginners by the DailyDot magazine, and his third book Gemini by Sterling debuted January 2020.