Jamie Vos Love is a guest speaker, Psychic Medium, ET Experiencer, Galactic Channeler, Remote Viewer, Starseed and Mentor. As the host of the Starseed Ascension show, she interviews experts in the Paranormal, ET and UFO space. Jamie is working on her next book which includes ET contact with Ancient civilizations and their role in our evolution. She is the Creator of the Starseed Ascension collective, an initiative to unite Starseeds and Lightworkers across the globe, to share knowledge and experiences, and utilize abilities to raise consciousness. She channels the Galactic Federation of Light, Pleiadians, her Andromedan guide Patu, the Arcturians and works closely with other races. She assists others in making contact and expanding their spiritual gifts. She is the co-creator of the Unleash Your Power Academy, author of 15 Sacred Ceremonies with Ayahuasca and Our Song is Love, a Channeled ET Manuscript. She has been a guest Medium on Busy Philipps is Doing Her Best, Un-X Network News, Hannibal TV Show and mentioned on Las Culturistas and Ghosted podcasts. She was a Starseed/ET panel speaker at the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo and will be an upcoming guest on Live from Hollywood It's Paranormal Tonight (12/12). She is a MUFON member and founding member of the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance.
Lyra Rae is a world renowned multidimensional healer and spiritual life coach specializing in DNA activation, twin flames & starseeds. She is known for her incredible psychic connection and experiences with extraterrestrial races and an uncanny ability to help others open up their own psychic abilities and connect with their star family and begin to have experiences themselves.
Website: www.princessofpleiades.com
Instagram: Princessofpleiades

As a Stargate Experience Facilitator, Terri guides you through the higher dimensions to awaken your inner guidance and connect with your true Divine Self. Stargate is a sacred geometrical structure that anchors in higher states of consciousness allowing you to easily connect with Higher Beings and Star Families. Terri is a licensed spiritual counselor and helps run a Western Esoteric Mystery School guiding students on the path of Light through hermetic teachings of Qabalah, tarot, alchemy and healing.
Noted Hollywood publicist Dan Harary is owner of The Asbury PR Agency of Beverly Hills, CA (since 1996), and an author of three books to date, FLIRTING WITH FAME, CARROTS, and AFTER THEY CAME. Dan’s first book, FLIRTING WITH FAME recounts the following: A native of Ocean Township, NJ, Dan worked as Stage Manager at the legendary Sunshine Inn concert hall in Asbury Park in the early 1970’s, with such now iconic musicians as Bruce Springsteen, KISS and Fleetwood Mac. Dan graduated Boston University, worked at Columbia Pictures/New York, and relocated to Los Angeles in 1980. His first post in Hollywood was as an Assistant at the American Film Institute; he then landed in-house PR positions with the Playboy Channel, Columbia Pictures Television, and two top Hollywood entertainment PR agencies, before launching his own PR Agency in 1996. During the course of the past 40 years, Dan has also rubbed shoulder with hundreds of the entertainment industry’s biggest stars from film, TV and music.
A recovering Sex Addict, Dan’s second book CARROTS has been embraced by many top U.S. Sex Therapists and chronicles his battles with – and recovery from – sex addiction.
Dan’s new/current/third book AFTER THEY CAME is presently making an impact within the U.S. UFO Research community and has been endorsed by several top UFO experts including Nick Pope, Richard Dolan, Travis Walton and Kathleen Marden. Dan is a three time UFO Experiencer, a longtime UFO Researcher, and a member of the global MUFON/LA UFO Research Organization. Dan believes his late father may have been involved with UFO reverse engineering during his 45 years working as an Electronics Engineer for the U.S. Army at Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey.
Please see: www.danhararyauthor.com and https://www.amazon.com/Flirting-Fame-Hollywood-Publicist-Encounters/dp/1629339598 and https://www.amazon.com/Carrots-True-Confessions-Hollywood-Addict-ebook/dp/B0BD5XNHB4/ref=sr_1_1?crid=EGHD91PRFCYA&keywords=Carrots+dan+harary&qid=1669839591&s=books&sprefix=carrots+dan+harary%2Cstripbooks%2C102&sr=1-1

Alan Steinfeld is an explorer of consciousness. For over 30 years he has hosted and produced the weekly television series New Realities in New York City. Additionally, with 68,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel of the same name, there have been over 20 million viewers who have seen his programs. These include interviews with luminaries in the field of health, spirituality and UFOS - such as Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Ram Dass and every major UFO researcher in the field. With his media appearances, lectures, and conferences he informs millions about human potential, remote viewing, and the nature of alien contact. For the over five years he has emceed the largest UFO event in the country, Contact in the Desert. He feels that only when the inner explorations of the soul are combined with the outer adventures of the mind can we achieve a harmonious understanding of our place in the cosmos.
Instagram: @alan_steinfeld

Rachelle Belleci is an inter-dimensional frequency sound healer using tuning forks and astrological maps to clear, retune and realign your energetic body templates and meridian lines to increase your personal vibration.
Brian Ruhe
Brian Ruhe’s purpose is to raise awareness about the extraterrestrial agenda for human advancement.
He aims for a high standard of truth and has made thousands of videos totaling 10 million views in the past 12 years, about his top three priorities for humanity. 1) The E.T. influence 2) Globalist control of the world 3) The falsification of our history. He has interviewed hundreds of guests such as Richard Dolan, Stanton Friedman, Stephen Bassett, Rey Hernandez, Kerry Cassidy and Brien Forester.
Brian is a former Buddhist monk, taught Buddhism for 20 years and authored three books. He uses Buddhist cosmology to relate how consciousness is connected to ETs and he has practiced higher realm channeling since age 17. Brian is a UFO experiencer, long time UFO researcher and leads the Meetup group, Preparing for E.T. Contact

Ella Lebain

A native of New York City, Ella LeBain was educated in Israel. There, she received a Social Sciences Degree from the Biological Research Center of the Negev in 1979 - a department of Ben Gurion University. At that school, she was educated in Biblical Hebrew and Science. While in Israel, Ella learned to read and write Hebrew fluently and was educated in Hebrew Linguistics (the roots of words.) This information would later help her to delineate – within her “Who’s Who” book series - the cast of characters in the Hebrew Bible, and how those beings are relevant to today’s situation and the End Times Prophesies.
Returning to New York City, Ella then went on to receive an Astronomy Degree from the Hayden Planetarium in 1988, where she began her serious study of Cosmology. Her next stop: Spending two years working as a counselor and social worker assisting missionaries in apartheid South Africa during the early 1980s.
Ella’s close encounters with Extraterrestrial Beings, which began during her time in Israel in 1979, inspired her to dig deeper into what has become a 40-plus-year journey to research and discover the truth about UFOs, Aliens, ETs, Gods, and Angels. She has also extensively studied alien abductions and other paranormal activities, and how all of these various concepts and ideas fit into the Bible’s “End Times” scenario.
Ella was orphaned at the age of 6, and again at the age of 15. These personal traumatic events left her open to experiencing multiple supernatural close encounters with a variety of interdimensional beings. These experiences inspired Ella to conceive and shape the writing of her six-book “Who’s Who” series.
For 25 years, Ella made a living as a Paralegal Researcher/Legal Assistant in NYC, Florida and Denver, Colorado – this legal skill set taught her to how to compile and document her own research on UFOs and the Alien Presence on Earth. As a result, Ella has collected massive amounts of information from a variety of sources since 1990.
A Zecharia Sitchin protégé, Ella interviewed the famed author in 1995 and then became a student in his International Bible Study Group. (Ella met with him during his visits to Denver three times.) Ella’s Near-Death Experience happened one month after he died – during February 2010 – and resulted in Ella meeting an interdimensional Being named Yeshua. Ella’s meeting of Yeshua resulted in her “download” of the material that she eventually published in her “Who’s Who in the Cosmic Zoo” book series.
Ella, who today lives with her husband and daughter near Denver, Colorado, documents and discusses within her “Who’s Who” book series, her own personal experiences, all of which have already proven to her thousands of readers that Human Beings Have Never Been Alone!
Who’s Who in the Cosmic Zoo? Book One: 4th Edition. Ella’s first entry within the “Who’s Who” series will soon be republished and will be released during Summer 2023.
Reincarnation in the Bible: An ancient core belief in Judaism, Reincarnation remains very controversial to Christians. In this new book coming during Summer 2023, Ella presents how the Church of Rome rejected the idea of Reincarnation, partly due to Antisemitism and partly due to the political agendas of Rome during the Third Century. In the new book, Ella details God’s plan for humankind, and also how the Alien race of Reptilians have abused this.
Heaven’s Witness: Ella’s sixth entry within her Who's Who in the Cosmic Zoo? series will become available in early 2024.
Finding Freedom When Horses Don't Fly: A Guide to Breaking Generational Curses and Healing Traumas. This workbook by Ella will document her healing journey from alien abductions and implant removals. (Coming in 2024)
Cinder-Ella’s Shadow: This book will reveal Ella’s highly personal story that focuses on her alien abductions. She also describes her Near-Death Experience, which allowed her to download the insights that appear within her “Who’s Who in the Cosmic Zoo” book series.
For more information about Ella LeBain and Her Books:
Amazon.com : Ella LeBain books

Margie Kay
Margie Kay, a veteran 40-year paranormal investigator, is the Owner and CEO of the KUNX Digital Broadcasting Network and the Un-X Media publishing company; serves as Assistant State Director for Missouri MUFON; and serves as the Director of the OZ Institute. She has completed over 570 UFO investigations for MUFON and over 1,700 paranormal and UFO investigations on her own. She has also written over 250 articles for magazines and news sites including the MUFON Journal, Un-X News Magazine, Examiner.com, The Un-X Blog, and has spoken at over two hundred conferences and meetings nationwide.
Margie is the author of 15 bools including The Kansas City UFO Flaps; The Fast Movers: Evidence of High-Speed UFOs/UAPs; Haunted Independence Missouri; Gateway to the Dead: A Ghost Hunter’s Field Guide; The Remote Viewing Workbook; Winged Aliens; The Masters Dowser’s Chart Book; A Sonoma County Phenomenon; 50th Anniversary of the SE Missouri Ozarks UFO Flap, and more.
Margie Kay has hosted radio shows since 2003 and has interviewed dozens of paranormal and UFO researchers and authors including Kathleen Marden, Stanton Friedman, Edwin Mitchell, Craig Campobasso, and many more. Margie’s Un-X News Radio/Podcast on her YouTube Channel is broadcast weekly. She has appeared on numerous radio shows including Coast to Coast AM with Cheryll Jones and George Noory, Heidi Hollis, Jimmy Church, Jeff Rense, Joe Montaldo, and many others.