7 Week Activation Series
Starting February 10

The code to living on this Earth in full embodiment is not through the brilliant path of your mind but rather the experience of being in your resilient body.
You are here as a highly evolved Soul who's come to fulfill a purpose.
As Starseeds, the Ascension journey we move through can be a challenging and lonely experience.
Now more than ever, Starseeds like you need support, connection and like - minded community who gets you, sees you and understands you on a deeper level.
The Starseed Ascension Series was built for Starseeds who want to be emerged in Community.
This journey GETS to be filled with fun, joy, LOVE, acceptance, magic, manifestations, big purpose, and being all of who truly are!
Many Starseeds right now are having a difficult time.
It's been increasingly challenging to see the good in the world, to remember their mission and to be hopeful for a better future for all.
Starseeds have felt disconnected from their body, feeling pain and tension. They have felt disconnected from others, feeling misunderstood as if they are living alone on this planet.
Quite simply, many have considered leaving, abandoning their big purpose all together. They know they are brilliant, but it just feels too hard sometimes.
Yet, there is something keeping you here
A higher calling, a higher - frequency.
A glimpse of ease and a light radiating their own brilliance.
From time to time they find those who get them, and it feels like bliss.

Prepare your body to hold light frequencies
Tap into higher frequencies to channel guides AND to integrate the new light-codes into the body
Reconnect with the star family to receive guidance and inspiration, and to embody HOME within so you can activate into your mission
All around feel inspired and excited to create magic in your life THROUGH your own power and use your own physical vessel as an intuitive guide​
As Starseeds, we are being lead to our highest-frequency.
It is my intention to guide you & initiate your next round of activations
Series Event Calendar
4pm PST Welcome/High Frequency Galactivation w/Jamie Vos Love
​We will channel next level upgrades and messages from ETs and other advanced beings who are here to support us in the next phase of our Ascension proces to reach higher levels of consciousness.
5pm Creating a Container with Magical Energy Flow w/ Amy Solara Mackey
Many people who are trained in western esoteric practices are taught one thing first: to cast a circle and create sacred space.
Starseeds may or may not have this in common, so let’s create a system that supports not only the move into altered spaces, but also the travel up to our star homes as well as a deeply rooted connection to this planetary home, Mama Earth. We will learn how to build the container with the elements, how to move and shift within it, and how to ground the energy after.”
"Those who don't believe in Magic will never find it" - Roald Dahl
5pm Light Body Activation and Cosmic Readings w/ Ashley Rose
12pm Spring/Summer Eclipse Activation w/ Colin Bedell
​Spring/Summer Eclipse Activation: This talk will explore the power of eclipses just before the first Eclipses of 2021. We'll cover how to make meaning of this powerful transits which bring about both major completions and beginning so participants can maximize the changes coming their way on the Gemini-Sagittarius Eclipse Axis.
5pm Principles of Polarity and Vibration as Dimensional Navigation w/ Amy Solara Mackey
Dimensions can be tricky—so many people talk about going up or down, in or out, and how do we know where we are, or why we want to be on certain dimensions but not others?
As we gain awareness of ourselves, and remember our ability to move through spaces beyond the physical experience, we can begin to shift into other dimensions.
Using the principles of polarity and vibration as navigational tools helps us to find our way through all the possibilities in a much more efficient manner, and it allows us to integrate what we experience.
5pm Cosmic Heart Activation w/ Andye Murphy
​The Egyptian Mysteries teach that the heart is the cosmic portal to all celestial consciousness. The untrained heart will have difficulty navigating these realms so far from human comprehension. We'll bring in a guide for ya too, honey to ensure success beyond the Starseed Ascension program.
5pm Human Experience Tools for Navigating Ascension Energy w/ Jamie Vos Love
5pm Twin Star White Flame Activations and Galactic Light Ship Transmissions with Jamie Vos Love

Beginning April 22nd
The ascension path was created with EXTRAORDINARY teachers, and it will partly be channeled as we go (because in energy we trust).
They will carry the keys and be instrumental in your success as a joyful being on Earth at this time.
We would be delighted to guide you on this journey and your path.
You don't have to do this alone and it CAN be fun.
This Series includes Expert Special Guest Guides, Private Facebook Community Access, Connection, Expansion, and so much more.